The 7 Primary schools from the East Riding involved in the PINS pilot are:
EYPCF are holding a Project Launch Day in September bringing together representatives from the selected schools, with parents of children at those schools, the LA, health colleagues and other services.
This day will offer the opportunity to:
As part of the launch day, we are delighted to share that we will be joined by Catrina Lowri, a Neurodiversity and inclusion trainer, mentor, and consultant.
An expert by experience; being neurodivergent herself, coupled with her knowledge and experience as a SEN teacher and SENCO, she has vast understanding and expertise to share. Catrina’s work includes supporting educational provisions to find workable solutions to neuro-inclusive practice by delivering training or intensive support to schools.
We are very privileged for Catrina to share her insight through a presentation and workshop for school staff and parents.
Booking is essential and tickets are available from Ticket Tailor using this link: