Meet the Team

East Yorkshire Parent Carer Forum (EYPCF) is a registered charity and voluntary group.

We have a steering group of parents, carers and volunteers with lived experience of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) 0-25 years who lead this work. We listen to the views and experiences of parents and carers in the East Riding to make sure we know what is important to them.

We then work in partnership with the Local Authority, Education, Health, voluntary groups and other providers, representing all families in East Riding to ensure the services that are  planned, commissioned, delivered and monitored meet the needs of children and families in East Yorkshire.

If you are a parent carer, we aim to inform and empower you by providing free training and information sessions as well as informal Check in and Chat sessions where you can meet other families.


Our Trustees are:

Naveen Judah, Sally-Ann Pindar, Samantha Bassett, Graham Tait


Our Steering Group are:

Ankur Mehrotra, Dawn Garsides, Emma Cottam, Helen Cunniff, Katy Bristow, Rachel Lisney, Sheena Withers, Becky Atkin, Lucy Brown.

Watch Making a Difference, Why Should I Join My Local Parent Carer Forum?

Hear parent carer forum members talking about why they got involved with their local parent carer forum.

To join, download the registration form here.