
Check-in & Chat – Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Conference Room Beverley Enterprise Centre, Beverley, England, United Kingdom

Join us for our first Check-in and Chat of 2024. This is a chance for parents and carers of children with SEND to come together to share experiences and get advice or support with any issues they are currently facing. Free parking is available on...

Brunch Meeting, Tuesday 30th January, Stamfords, Pocklington

Stamfords 12 Union Street, Pocklinton, United Kingdom

Join us for brunch at Stamford's in Pocklington. This event is for all parents and carers of children with SEND to come along share experiences and discuss issues they are currently facing. Please email to book. Refreshments on arrival and buffet lunch provided, travel...

Check-in & Chat, Thursday 7th March, The Lairgate Hotel, Beverley

The Lairgate Hotel Lairgate, Beverley

Join us for our regular Check-in and Chat event. This is a chance for parents and carers of children with SEND to come together to share experiences and get advice or support with any issues they are currently facing. Limited free parking is available at...

Breakfast Meeting, Tuesday 19th March, Goole

The Lounge Paradise Tearooms & Bar 19 Paradise Place, Goole, United Kingdom

Join us for our next Breakfast event 10:30 to 12:00 at The Lounge Paradise Tearooms & Bar in Goole. This is a chance for parents and carers of children with SEND to come together to share experiences and get advice or support with any issues...

Check-in & Chat, Tuesday 18th June, Beverley Enterprise Centre

Conference Room Beverley Enterprise Centre, Beverley, England, United Kingdom

Join us for our regular Check-in and Chat event. This is a chance for parents and carers of children with SEND to come together to share experiences and get advice or support with any issues they are currently facing. Free parking is available on site...